Thursday 22 December 2011

Heartless Cad!!

This was one of the saddest scene in the series imo. While watching, I seriously wanted to sock the guy! How could he reject Hyun Jung? And in such a cruel and heartless manner too. I can't like Pulip because she knew right from the start how much her best friend liked Baek Hyun. GRRRRR!!! To think that after HJ found out she still tried her best to be a nice friend to PL. Gah!!! Makes my blood boil! XDDDD And I keep thinking Pulip sounds like Tulip. Funny name =P

The words HJ said were so heartbreaking. Made me so sad SOBSSSSSS!!!! You aren't a burden! It's the dumbass guy who doesn't know how to cherish you.

HJ: "I'm very sorry for ever liking you." <--- This line made my heart shatter and drop to the floor. If you heard pieces of glass falling, yup, that's mine. =(....... From this sentence it's clear that HJ has given up. She has been hurt too deeply by the guy she loves and her friend. It's not gonna heal that easily =( BOO HOO HOO!!!! *cries like the rain* Lol. What?!?! I'm sentimental XDDD

This is one of the Korean ballads that I love a lot. If I remember correctly, the song title is called "Because I'm a girl." No idea what the lyrics is about but if it's talking about how because as girls, we will be depressed over relationships that don't work out, then we should all become guys since they have it so easy. Lol. And ewww at the bloodied toe! *faints* Haha just kidding. That ain't so bad, seen worse =P

Another scene that stuck in my mind was when the guy was carrying HJ to school so that they could take the exams.

BK: Are you feeling okay?
HJ: I'm feeling great... (This shouldn't be the reply as she was sick. Even if she did not want him to be worried, people would normally say, "I'm okay" or something along that line. But do you know why her reply was so??? Read on...)

HJ: ...because you are carrying me. (*BAWLS* NO!!!! This is too sad and heartwrenching!!! How could she feel great when she is ill just because he piggybacked her???! *sigh* Because she likes him that much.)

This actor somehow just rubs me the wrong way. No matter which drama he is acting in, I can't stand him =P And I'm annoyed by how Ji Yeon is always acting the party that is rejected by the guy. This makes no sense. I mean, JUST LOOK AT HER!!!! Lol. The casting is all wrong, seriously XD How can they expect me to believe any sane person would reject someone like her? Tsk XDDD

The cast of Dream High 2 is out! And yay Ji Yeon is in it. But boo that she's not the lead. She's probably gonna get the evil girl role and be the one bugging the lead guy.. She should have gotten the lead role damnit. That lead actress is so not nice *yucky face*

Sunday 18 December 2011

Ji Yeon's Attitude?

Apparently there was some news about Ji Yeon being criticized for performing halfheartedly on live shows. I've seen a few of such videos and I have to admit she didn't look like she was in a good mood. Neither did she bother to smile or dance properly. Still, since we don't know what happened, we can't really judge or slam her. It's only humans to have their not so good days.

Cheer up girl! You still have loads of fans who support you despite of what antis might say.

This is one of those performances. She was still awesomely hawt and sexy though =x

Friday 16 December 2011

EunJi Couple

The thing about Korean OPVs is, they call it FMV (fan made video) and from what I've seen, the editing is really good. They manage to cut scenes from different shows and combine them to make it look like the 2 of them are in the same series. But most of the songs aren't really my cup of tea. Still there are ones I really love.

Like these. Beautiful and touching melody or heartbreakingly sad =(

I'm not sure if my favourite T-ara girls are called EunJi when together as I've seen variations, but I think I like this term the most. You can't believe there is a 5 year age difference between them can you? I'm guessing Eun Jung is childish hence she can get along with the much younger Ji Yeon XD

Random hilarious clip. Lee Jin already told her not to tear the tape with her teeth yet she still did it. And the funniest thing is, she obviously couldn't do it but she didn't stop. Lol. Cute.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Bae Suzy, Dream High

Bae isn't unheard of for a Korean surname. But somehow when it's said together with the name Suzy, it makes me think of Suzy is bae-ing. As in the horse kind =P But don't get me wrong, I quite like Suzy. She's so pretty and sweet looking. I love how she looks like the girl next door. And when she smiles with her two front teeth showing, she reminds me of an adorable bunny =D

I noticed her during "Dream High," which was the same show which made me like Eun Jung. If only the plot was about these two ending up together instead of Suzy and either guys ^^;

"Maybe" and "dreaming" are nice ballads. I know there were more nice songs in the drama, I just need to find them.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Happy Birthday Ms Ham

It's official...

I'm a T-ara fan, and my favourite member is Ham Eunjung.

Therefore on this day, I have opened this blog which will most likely consist of entries related to this wonderful lady =)

I never knew before this that Ham was a Korean last name. Very interesting fact. What's more intriguing is how her name is sorta related to mine =D

Happy happy 23rd birthday Eunjungie!! I wish you all the in whatever you do and always be healthy and happy.