Saturday 28 April 2012

The Power of 9

I said that I've slammed Seobaby really badly in the past but now I've grew to like her right? You wouldn't believe the nickname I gave Tiffany way back then. Omg but I kinda like her now. I even enjoy reading fics where she is paired with Seohyun. SeoFany, the fans call them. And I like how it sounds. It's crazy how much Seohyun made me like SNSD. I love her with Yoona, Yuri, Tiffany and Jessica. I have not entertained the thought of seeing her paired with Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Sunny and Taeyeon. But who knows, someday it might happen. Posted the first chapter of my SNSD fic today. I shall try a different Seobaby pairing in the next fic. Hopefully I don't get flammed or get into trouble for some reason or another on the Soshi forum *crosses fingers*

Thursday 26 April 2012

Fashion King

that's it, im sold. Yuri is a darn good actress even for her first drama. I find mysrlf looking forward to wed and thurs just so i can catch her series. Heck, the level of anticipation is the same as what i had for DH2. I guess this means i like Yuri now. Oh and it seems like Anna is taking some sort of pills. I wonder what they are for. Anti depressants or anxiety pills. Either way, this is really interesting if you know what i mean :p I hope both guys falls for her but its clear Shin Se however you spell her name is the lead so there is no way thats gonna happen. Sigh. I can still hope though. I wanna know the ending of the drama so bad!!! I gotta change the description of the blog to 'we love yuri.' xD Great, now i cant decide to have a yoonhyun, yulhyun or seosica pairing for the fic.why does seobaby look so good eith everyone?!?! Lol. Seofany is cute too. Argh, so many options.

Sunday 15 April 2012


These 2 are crazy LOL!!! Must they be so exaggerative in their "OMG this food sucks" actions?? But I had a good laugh. Damn, just when I thought Seobaby was my only one, T-ara had to be ultra cute.

I'll Be Waiting / I'll Wait For You

This is Seobaby's 2nd OST song. It doesn't sound that nice but I've only listened to it once. I've decided to give it more listens before I make my final comment. Hopefully it will grow. I love her voice but it's sad if she didn't get a good song.

Doesn't Seororo look absolutely gorgeous in the pic below. She looks every part like a high society gal =D

What can I say, the girl has style XD

ACE CF. Yep that's a Bed Brand

I was stunned when I saw this CF. Mainly because I was surprised that Seobaby was fine with wearing so little clothes. But after I saw Yoona's version, this is nothing lol. She wasn't even in the sleeveless top in the scene with the other members. Not that I'm complaining since I find it super sexy when Seororo bares one shoulder =P

I think Seohyun doesn't mind showing off her legs as much as she is uncomfortable bearing skin near her chest area. I don't know why she's shy though cuz she has one of the best figures around.

Gah, that whine, the way she rolls on the bed, her long wavy locks and her slightly aegyo expression at the end is definitely enough to kill any man...and some women XD

Sunday 8 April 2012

Seohyun Fanfics

Reading fanfics is one of the biggest joys I have. And reading good ones featuring Seohyun is even better.

The latest I've found is "Someone Like You" and "My Life Without You." Both fics are by the awesome kerubechan. Being able to read fics like this makes me life complete =D

The below trailer is interesting too. Now I just need to find time to slowly savour these stories.

"Perfect Wings"

"Perfect Star"

Thursday 5 April 2012

Seobaby's Slip Ups

It would have been funny if she had pushed Yoona over =P Her little shriek sounded really cute lol. I wonder what made her trip. Did she stumble over her own feet?

Considering how many performances SNSD had, the number of times she has made mistakes is really little.

Damn I'm so into Seohyun fics now. Especially those that writes about her...Fill in the blanks. But it ain't inappropriate stuff. I'm not interested in those. And the maknae is too innocent to be thought of in that way.

Oppa Nappa

This title is the name of a very nice ballad by Seohyun, Jessica and Tiffany. It is also the title of one of the best Seororo fics I have ever read. After knowing the meaning of the lyrics, reading the fic makes it even more touching. Gosh, I want Seohyun to have a good ending in the story. But I also wanna read more angst ^^; What can I say, I'm a lover of such sad plots. I can't wait for the next update!

Check out the blog of the awesome fanfic writer. "Run devil run' is another incredibly well written fic.

My World

Jessica's voice is distinct and I find Tiffany's voice pleasant. But Seohyun's vocals are perfect. I really love her so much. What do I do?? I love her so much so fast. I really surprised myself.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

I Love the Maknae

Happy birthday to myself.

In celebration, I shall post an entry about Seohyun. I love everything about her. Her face, her size, her height, her dressing style, her personality (so innocent and pure), her character (straight-laced and filled with principal), her smile, her dancing, her voice, her inability to aegyo, her matureness, her strong sense of responsibility, her hardworking attitude, her talent in playing the piano, her grace in ballet, her shyness, her small pink lips, the way her eyes sparkles, her eyebrows, her nose, her long wavy hair, her laugh...just everything and anything about her.

I didn't think it would be possible to love anyone again but Seohyun made it happen. Thank you Seororo, I can forget about the unhappiness when I see you, hear you and discover you.