Thursday 26 April 2012

Fashion King

that's it, im sold. Yuri is a darn good actress even for her first drama. I find mysrlf looking forward to wed and thurs just so i can catch her series. Heck, the level of anticipation is the same as what i had for DH2. I guess this means i like Yuri now. Oh and it seems like Anna is taking some sort of pills. I wonder what they are for. Anti depressants or anxiety pills. Either way, this is really interesting if you know what i mean :p I hope both guys falls for her but its clear Shin Se however you spell her name is the lead so there is no way thats gonna happen. Sigh. I can still hope though. I wanna know the ending of the drama so bad!!! I gotta change the description of the blog to 'we love yuri.' xD Great, now i cant decide to have a yoonhyun, yulhyun or seosica pairing for the fic.why does seobaby look so good eith everyone?!?! Lol. Seofany is cute too. Argh, so many options.

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