Friday 9 March 2012

DH2 Epi 12

Seriously, I support Jin Yoojin with Rian. PERIOD. Episode 12 sealed the deal for me. Not only did their voices blend incredibly well together while singing 'Romeo and Juliet,' their tango dance rehearsal was adorable to the max!

Did you see how Rian twirled in Yoojin's arms? Or the way they laughed while smiling at each other?? I practically squealed with the crazy amount of chemistry. It made the air sizzle. This is a surprising turn of events as I didn't expect them to have much scenes together since Yoojin liked Haesung right from the start.

Although I started out prefering JB's looks to Yoojin, I've now come to think that Yoojin is so much cuter. He's also taller and has a better built. Not to mention how JB's eyebrows look really weird.

Gosh, I really REALLY hope that the writers make Rian and Yoojin a couple. They have this genuine interaction between them and it's cute how Rian's mood is better and that she smiles a lot more when with him. All JB ever gave her was misery and tears.

I hate how that two faced bast**d broke up with her claiming that he wanted to focus on his dreams and not let his dad down when he turns around and falls for Haesung in one episode. I mean, WTH?!?!? Haesung is talentless, fat, bloated, wears an irritating dumb expression on her face and has too thick lips. If JB was that hot and bad ass as he was made out to be, how in the world can he like someone like Haesung? Her character is blend and not appealing at all!

As compare to the zilch chemistry between JB and Haesung, Rian and Yoojin shared so many heartwarming scenes and allowed the viewers to actually see how their relationship progressed. This I couldn't see for the other couple. And I don't know if it's Jinwoo's acting or was Yoojin supposed to "feel" and be concerned for Rian as I can see it in his eyes when he looks at her. It's almost as if a part of him is hurting whenever he sees Rian cry or in pain. And is it a coincidence that he's always there to help her or lend her support when JB and the world lets her down?

All this is a mystery to me and I will only know what's in stored by catching the remaining episodes of DH2. Rian was the reason why I'm keeping up with the drama but now I find that I'm looking forward to the scenes with her and Yoojin.

Please let them be together, and don't make Rian the bitch or evil villain anymore. She doesn't deserve so much hate, especially when the person who caused her to become this way - JB, should be blamed for her negative actions. I don't understand why people can't tell that it really isn't Rian's fault for being the boring one who appears as if she's so weak. PLUEASE!! I detest Haesung and her lousy antics at being the wronged one. She should just buzz off with JB as I seriously don't care about what happens with them anymore. I just want to see Rian with Yoojin and them being all cute and happy. Rian, I'm so in love with you =P

Episode 13 better not be a disappointment. I have a feeling the show will be extended since the plot is not going anywhere at the moment. Possibly to 20 episodes?

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