Wednesday 1 August 2012

In Love with Sulli

It's official, other that Krystal, I also love Sulli and I can't wait for her drama with Minho to begin airing. She looks ultra adorable as a boy. Totally droolsome, lol.

Saturday 28 July 2012

At first I was disappointed that it was Sulli who got the role in "To the Beautiful You" instead of Krystal. But after watching a couple of trailers, I have started to realize that Sulli makes a better boy XD She has the height and could look pretty boyish. Now if Krystal got the lead role for the movie "It's First Love" with Shinee and EXO, my 2012 will be too awesome =D

Saturday 30 June 2012

Amber the Player? Kryber Love!

So at first I thought Amber's shoutout was to Seohyun since I think there was an article of it somewhere. Turns out she was yelling happy birthday to Min from Miss A. How and when did she know her?? No wonder Krystal commented that she wants an other half who isn't so nice to everyone and apparently Amber whispered sorry. So could it then be true that these 2 are together? All the Kryber fans would go crazy with joy. See and decide for yourself. I was @@ with the overflowing amount of Kryber. They looked like they were in their own world. And it's insane how Amber could still sing and dance with zero effort while carrying Krystal on her back. Is she crazy fit or is Krystal light as a feather? Poor Sulli though. She looks so left out. What's gonna happen to JungLi now that Kryber is back?? I know I shouldn't be thinking this but I really think F(X) looks better as a 4 person group without Luna =x Sulli looks upset doesn't she? And it's immediately after Amber piggybacked Krystal. Is she jealous? But the question is, does she like Amber or Krystal?

TTS - Trendy Music Award

Woah, Seohyun looks super mature. And during the performance I could literally feel her confidence oozing out. I'm in awe. Taeyeon was all kinds of cute in that dress. It's lovely! I still think Tiffany doesn't suit red hair. But she's still beautiful =) Did I mention I absolutely love it when Seohyun speaks? Something about her voice kills me ^^; Oh and the little party TTS had makes me go @.@ at the SBB scenes. How can someone be this gorgeous and perfect?!!?

I don't know what's the difference between the 12 and 14 min videos. Gotta have to watch them to find out.

Friday 29 June 2012

TTS - Suncheon Bay International Garden Expo + Music Bank SP

I wonder if it's because TTS has a new song and SNSD doesn't that's why TTS is the one sent on various shows. Is Paparazzi gonna have a Korean version? If not then will a Korean single be released soon? I want one really bad. But I have a feeling the Japanese promotions will take up at least a month or two of the girls' time =(

And is it just me or has Seobaby become different halfway through the Twinkle promotions? It's as if she had gotten more confident and comfortable with herself. What or who caused this change??

Take a look at the Music Bank half year special. Seems that Amber grabbed Seohyun and yelled 'Happy birthday.' How did these 2 get so close? (Is Krystal unhappy with Amber for being 'nice' to so many others? =P) And I thought SBB was only comfortable with people of her age. I also read that Seohyun was the first to rush over to Sulli when it was announced that F(X) won.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Happy Birthday Seobaby!

The angel, princess, Seobaby...Seo Joo Hyun. This is the first birthday that has passed of me knowing my biggest bias. I told so many people on 28th June that it was the birthday of someone important ^^; Seo Joo Hyun IS important to me, and she is the reason I can pass each day. Happy Birthday to the most wonderful person =)

Wednesday 27 June 2012

The latest Japanese single released on 27th June 2012. I didn't find the song super catchy on the first few listens. But I'm a fan now. I think this song was like Twinkle for me. I especially love the camera clicking sounds. Too bad Seohyun didn't have that many lines. But I'm still gonna support it cuz this is SNSD! And Seororo is in it =D Besides the normal version, they have a dance, close up and gold version. And I missing anything out?

Friday 22 June 2012

SNSD on Music Station Japan

Out of all the Japanese music shows I love watching the acts I like on Music Station the most as I like to see if any of the other artistes are ogling them =P For end year specials it will be FNS. It's sad that I can't find their other appearances on Music Station. Especially the 'Run devil Run' one as Seobaby was super hawt in it.

Sunday 10 June 2012

In Love with TaeNy

I still can't believe my top 2 faves in SNSD are the members who I disliked the most in the beginning ^^; Seobaby and Fany. Gosh, I adore them so much now.

And because of Fany Unnie (doesn't it sound cute to call her that?), I grew to really love TaeNy. These are some of the totally awesome FMVs. I need to transfer them all into my PSP and watch them while travelling =D

Krystal - Because of Me /Moderato

Woah, from F(X)'s songs I couldn't tell that Krystal sounded like this. It's like a cross between Jessica and Taeyeon and I kinda like it. Krystal is my new bias starting as of 9 June 2012.

I should have kept track of all my biases cuz I can't remember how long I have liked Seobaby and Jiyeon for, lol. I think Jiyeon start in late 2011 and Seohyun a couple of months back. April maybe?? Or was it March 2012? Hmmm ^^;

Back to Krystal Jung Soojung. Why did her parents give her Jung again in her name when their last name is Jung as well? No matter since Jung sounds really pretty =)


Thursday 7 June 2012

Happy 18th Birthday Jiyeon

It's hard to believe this gorgeous girl is only 18. Some people are just born beautiful =D May work be smooth and health be good for my favourite T-ARA member. I don't want her to have a boyfriend so soon though =P Jiyeonnie is an APPLE fan. She has a white Macbook and Ipad. Why did I get the silver MacBook Pro and not the white Macbook >.< Yup, this amazing girl really can steal a million hearts. She is just too beautiful and cute. This was last year. Damn, why didn't I go?!?!?! Sadly I doubt T-ARA will return for any concerts. This country doesn't seem to be on their list although Thailand and Japan sure are. Why do both Jpop and Kpop artistes visit Thailand so frequently? Do they really sell more there?

Saturday 2 June 2012

Sweet MinSeo at LA Concert

Look at the adorable MinSeo moment!! Gosh I was seriously spazzing out! I don't know why I can ship Seobaby with any guy. She has gotta be too perfect till she matches with anyone that's why. I'm surprised Seohyun wasn't awkward or shy around Minho. Does this mean they are close friends? Hmmm, being close friends means they can't be lovers right? Awww, but I liked her with him =(

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Birthday Beauties

Happy birthday to Im Yoona and Park Hyomin who turned 22 and 23 today respectively. I wish them health, happiness and increasing popularity!!! I hope Im choding isnt still sick. She must have fallen quite ill to not be able to eat anything except porridge. Is Seororo taking good care of her? :P I need some news about Yoonhyun! I miss them :(

Sunday 27 May 2012

SNSD Drama (spoof?)

I'm pretty sure this isn't the real drama but a fan joined the different scenes to create this. I had a good laugh watching it. It's awesomely done and I wanna watch the original show. Any idea what drama this originally is??

Not sure how many parts there are in total since I'm not done watching. But just search the uploader's account and you should be able to see all of the parts?


Tuesday 22 May 2012

MCB/Google Korean Music Wave 2012 in US

I said I liked Seororo's rocker chick style in the 'Twinkle' music video and then she gives me this!!! OMG, can you read minds Seobaby? Because you completelely blew your fans away with this performance. The title of the song makes me laugh, but hey, the lyrics are meaningful. Plus, it had a touching story to go with it. Apparently this was the song which gave Hyunnie strength when she was a trainee so she wants to share it with her fans and hopefully it will help them through tough times too. 

Gawd, can this angel be any more perfect!!??!?! I'm so in love with her it's crazy ^^; She looks darn hawt in her outfit and I adore her Dr Martens! The pink electric guitar is love too. Isn't this a big contrast to her 'Speak Now' performance? What does it tell you? She's perfect that's what =)

I wish I could have attended this. Rumor is that there could be a 3rd SNSD tour at the end of this year. I'm hoping against hope it will be a world/asia tour. I definitely can't miss the chance to catch her live. Not making the same mistake twice.


 There are quite a number of fancams but this is the only one I've seen with English lyrics.


Sunday 13 May 2012

Music Bank 11.05.2012 TaeTiSeo / TTS

Look at all that Yoonhyun interaction. I love it!!! *wide beam* I have no idea why Yoona was there though. TaeNy sure looks sweet together. I guess this is how they behave when they aren't quarrelling =P

Thursday 10 May 2012

120510 Joo Byung Jin Talk Concert Eng Subbed

LOL! At Seobaby trying to be naughty for a chance and ending up breaking an ornament. So Tiffany is afraid of fishes, that's new to me. One more thing to like my used to be nemesis XD Both of the girls are so adorable and I'm really surprised Seohyun isn't as reserved. This must really mean she wants to alter her "stay away from me people" vibe that she used to give off. I love her hair, clothes, accessories, etc. In short, I just love her everything =D For some reason Tiffany seems to have quite thick make-up. Nevertheless she still looks exceptional. What can I say, the SNSD girls are goddesses.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

120509 Mnet WIDE - '1st LOOK' 화보 촬영 현장 (SeoHyun)

I know I said I quite liked Krystal as well. But when Seohyun is around, I don't have eyes for anyone else XD Lee Teuk must be happy he always gets to work on the same stuff as Seobaby. He has so many opportunities to be near her. I'm so envious! Lol.

Gawd, how can Hyunnie be this perfect?? She really is too gorgeous. But the best part is, she's has the looks and everything else. That salad looks really tasteless. Man, the girl is so health conscious it's cute XD Yeah, yeah, I know, nothing Seohyun does can be wrong in my eyes, hee.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

TTS - 8 May 2012 Champion Song Show Champion

Seobaby looks so pretty in the purple outfit. She is seems in a rather mischievous mood with her actions. Isn't Hyunnie shy and reserved? She really has changed a lot since when she was younger. The new her oozes maturity and sexiness.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

TTS - Twinkle

Ever since I heard Seohyun will be in a new sub-unit, I have been anticipating the MV. Although I wasn't too thrilled with the still shots that were released prior, I decided to give the new look and song genre a chance.

I still prefer the normal SNSD type of songs but I guess 'Twinkle' isn't too bad. I've grown to like it. Now I just need to fall in love with the other songs on the TTS album too ^^;

Oh yes, I NEED to proclaim that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Seohyun's clothes, hair, make-up and overall feel in her rocker chick get-up. Man, this girl is hawt!!

Saturday 28 April 2012

The Power of 9

I said that I've slammed Seobaby really badly in the past but now I've grew to like her right? You wouldn't believe the nickname I gave Tiffany way back then. Omg but I kinda like her now. I even enjoy reading fics where she is paired with Seohyun. SeoFany, the fans call them. And I like how it sounds. It's crazy how much Seohyun made me like SNSD. I love her with Yoona, Yuri, Tiffany and Jessica. I have not entertained the thought of seeing her paired with Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Sunny and Taeyeon. But who knows, someday it might happen. Posted the first chapter of my SNSD fic today. I shall try a different Seobaby pairing in the next fic. Hopefully I don't get flammed or get into trouble for some reason or another on the Soshi forum *crosses fingers*

Thursday 26 April 2012

Fashion King

that's it, im sold. Yuri is a darn good actress even for her first drama. I find mysrlf looking forward to wed and thurs just so i can catch her series. Heck, the level of anticipation is the same as what i had for DH2. I guess this means i like Yuri now. Oh and it seems like Anna is taking some sort of pills. I wonder what they are for. Anti depressants or anxiety pills. Either way, this is really interesting if you know what i mean :p I hope both guys falls for her but its clear Shin Se however you spell her name is the lead so there is no way thats gonna happen. Sigh. I can still hope though. I wanna know the ending of the drama so bad!!! I gotta change the description of the blog to 'we love yuri.' xD Great, now i cant decide to have a yoonhyun, yulhyun or seosica pairing for the fic.why does seobaby look so good eith everyone?!?! Lol. Seofany is cute too. Argh, so many options.

Sunday 15 April 2012


These 2 are crazy LOL!!! Must they be so exaggerative in their "OMG this food sucks" actions?? But I had a good laugh. Damn, just when I thought Seobaby was my only one, T-ara had to be ultra cute.

I'll Be Waiting / I'll Wait For You

This is Seobaby's 2nd OST song. It doesn't sound that nice but I've only listened to it once. I've decided to give it more listens before I make my final comment. Hopefully it will grow. I love her voice but it's sad if she didn't get a good song.

Doesn't Seororo look absolutely gorgeous in the pic below. She looks every part like a high society gal =D

What can I say, the girl has style XD

ACE CF. Yep that's a Bed Brand

I was stunned when I saw this CF. Mainly because I was surprised that Seobaby was fine with wearing so little clothes. But after I saw Yoona's version, this is nothing lol. She wasn't even in the sleeveless top in the scene with the other members. Not that I'm complaining since I find it super sexy when Seororo bares one shoulder =P

I think Seohyun doesn't mind showing off her legs as much as she is uncomfortable bearing skin near her chest area. I don't know why she's shy though cuz she has one of the best figures around.

Gah, that whine, the way she rolls on the bed, her long wavy locks and her slightly aegyo expression at the end is definitely enough to kill any man...and some women XD

Sunday 8 April 2012

Seohyun Fanfics

Reading fanfics is one of the biggest joys I have. And reading good ones featuring Seohyun is even better.

The latest I've found is "Someone Like You" and "My Life Without You." Both fics are by the awesome kerubechan. Being able to read fics like this makes me life complete =D

The below trailer is interesting too. Now I just need to find time to slowly savour these stories.

"Perfect Wings"

"Perfect Star"

Thursday 5 April 2012

Seobaby's Slip Ups

It would have been funny if she had pushed Yoona over =P Her little shriek sounded really cute lol. I wonder what made her trip. Did she stumble over her own feet?

Considering how many performances SNSD had, the number of times she has made mistakes is really little.

Damn I'm so into Seohyun fics now. Especially those that writes about her...Fill in the blanks. But it ain't inappropriate stuff. I'm not interested in those. And the maknae is too innocent to be thought of in that way.

Oppa Nappa

This title is the name of a very nice ballad by Seohyun, Jessica and Tiffany. It is also the title of one of the best Seororo fics I have ever read. After knowing the meaning of the lyrics, reading the fic makes it even more touching. Gosh, I want Seohyun to have a good ending in the story. But I also wanna read more angst ^^; What can I say, I'm a lover of such sad plots. I can't wait for the next update!

Check out the blog of the awesome fanfic writer. "Run devil run' is another incredibly well written fic.

My World

Jessica's voice is distinct and I find Tiffany's voice pleasant. But Seohyun's vocals are perfect. I really love her so much. What do I do?? I love her so much so fast. I really surprised myself.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

I Love the Maknae

Happy birthday to myself.

In celebration, I shall post an entry about Seohyun. I love everything about her. Her face, her size, her height, her dressing style, her personality (so innocent and pure), her character (straight-laced and filled with principal), her smile, her dancing, her voice, her inability to aegyo, her matureness, her strong sense of responsibility, her hardworking attitude, her talent in playing the piano, her grace in ballet, her shyness, her small pink lips, the way her eyes sparkles, her eyebrows, her nose, her long wavy hair, her laugh...just everything and anything about her.

I didn't think it would be possible to love anyone again but Seohyun made it happen. Thank you Seororo, I can forget about the unhappiness when I see you, hear you and discover you.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Suzy and Soyeon

The funny thing was I misread the title and thought it was Seohyun with Suzy. Nevertheless, I watched the vid and discovered a surprise! Eunjung was on the same show. Frankly, only Suzy is worth watching in this clip. I don't dislike Soyeon, in fact I'm okay with her since I like T-ara. But she had absolutely no expression throughout the perf. Although Suzy wasn't spectacular, but she's a babe. And in the cold harsh world, being pretty gets you everywhere. I wanted to vomit when I saw Hyorin and her yucky smile. She made my queasy tummy feel even more terrible.

T-ara and 2PM also did a version of this song. Which do you think was better?

Random Seobaby

Apparently Seororo was pulled into the perf at the last min to replace Yuri who had fallen sick. That explains why her steps seems less than the rest. She probably didn't have enough time to prepare and practice. But man, she was good. Super ultra sexy and why does she look so droolsome with center parting hair when everyone else I've seen looks bad with it?!?!?!? I'm sure they picked Seohyun cuz she was the next best dancer and only she could fit into Yuri's clothes.

I bet Kyunhyun and the rest of the guys present couldn't take their eyes off her. Granted, Yoona was pretty good as well but no way could she win over Seobaby. Although she did cheat a little by showing skin during her dance lol. If Seohyun did that the blood lost would have been immense.

So, so talented...

Don't mess with a strong-willed and stubborn girl. She might be super slim, but she can do anything she sets her mind to =)

AHHHHHH!!! Did Wooyoung hold her waist?!?!?! I'm gonna punch somebody =P He is so lucky to be able to have Seohyun so near to him.

Hee hee, always so uptight. But that's what makes her her =) I also love the times where she reminds people to "please fasten your seatbelt." For someone who isn't a native English speaker, her accent is really accurate. Darn it, she sounds sexy speaking English lol.

Look at SeungGi unable to close his mouth as he watches Seohyun. What a perv lol. But I can't blame him. She was ADORABLE!!! Oh my god I can't stop watching the clip. She is too cute. At this rate I'm gonna end with with a hundred vids in this post alone. Lol, she is just amazingly adorable. ADORABLE. Yes I said it again, ADORABLE!!! =D Se7en couldn't even blink. In fact all of the guys there were probably all entranced. I wonder how Suzy fared in the same show. Was she just as captivating? I gotta do a search for her clip.

Banmal Song

I still don't know what banmal means. Is it like a slang which represents something and 'first time lovers'? Whatever it is, the song songs cute, refreshing and super addicting. I hate to say this but that Yonghwa is talented. He did afterall come up with both the music and lyrics I think. He also taught Seororo how to play the guitar.

Funny that she doesn't seem too impressed by him when he is somewhat tall, "handsome" and talented. Isn't that the winning recipe to obtain any girl? I guess Seohyun needs someone who is even more than that. A guy who is intellectual as well. Now, that's what I call more than a pretty face. Seobaby has substance and likewise, she isn't someone who goes only for the bod or handsome features.

Gawd!!! She is too beautiful in this perf. I can't tear my eyes away. Damn Yonghwa for getting to hold her hand.

And she looks so cute strumming along in the WGM official vid of the song. Awwww, my latest bias is just so smart, pretty and adorable.

More adorable Seohyun. Her voice is soooooooooo cute. She sounds like a kid =D I wish I was that guitar =P

Sunday 25 March 2012

It's official, I LIKE Seobaby!!!

I can't believe it. I used to slam her so bad but now I like her. OMG, why does this ALWAYS happen to me. Not only did I miss attending T-ara's Kpop Heal the World concert and Miss A's showcase, I also didn't go to SNSD's official concert!!! To think that someone asked me to go and even offered to get me tickets. *bangs head on wall*

WHY?!?!?! Why was I such a fool??? Aishiii, I should have known it was a sign from some mighty power when that person asked me repeatedly. *Sobs* I doubt SNSD will hold another concert here. I'll never get to see Seobaby in the flesh again =( *cries a river*

Her solo song isn't as nice as what Taeyeon gets, but it's still okay. Her voice is pleasant enough and I'm sure I will grow to love it with more listens =)

Saturday 24 March 2012

IU's Weird Sense of Humor

I can rewatch this a million times and not get bored. It is seriously funny. I love Jiyeon and IU's laughter. They are so cute. Oh and baby dino bashing up IU is fun to see LOL. These besties are the cutest ever!!!

Rian x Yoojin Forever!

I totally agree with the person who said Rian and Yoojin should get their own spinoff series. Although it runs the risk of flopping like what happened with Park Shin Hye and Yonghwa, at least a nice OST might come out of it. That 16 episodes of this couple's cute scenes together.

My latest fav FMV of Rian and Yoojin =) The song is titled 'Confessions of a friend.' Rather apt don't you think?

I prefer Kim Soo Hyun's version of this song but this version is still acceptable. Anything with Rian makes me a happy camper, hee.

The best love triangle in DH2.

Rian's spinning kick on Haesung make me laugh so hard, LOL. Rian kicks totally ass!

I didn't expect myself to end up spamming their vids but I am! Gosh, I can't help it. They are just too adorable together.

"Why would I, why would I, why would I like you?!?!" Because he lets you be yourself and makes you smile. Yoojin needs to see that Rian allows him to be himself too and she makes his relationship with his mom better. What more can you ask for in a girl? Not to mention she's such a cutie, hottie and beauty.

Friday 23 March 2012

Rian's Haru Haru

i always liked Jiyeon's voice but in her ost song for DH2, i was totally blown away. It was too amazing! I felt so touched while hearing it as i could feel the emotions she put in while singing the song.. She's the main reason i will miss DH2. Her acting, her singing and her scenes with Jinwoo. And there isnt anymore reason to look forward to the start of the week or for Mon and Tue to pass faster. Nothing left for me to anticipate on those weeknights. Im really sad about this. If only Jiyeon can get a leading role with the opportunity to showcase her wonderful acting skills. She really is a super competent actress. More so than any other idol.

Baby dino has a great, soothing and touching voice. Needless to say, she was also as beautiful as an angel while performing. Jiyeon ah, you are truly perfect.

Vid with eng translation. Credits to the owner. Thank you for making it so i can understand the lyrics.

I now have the urge to name my future daughter Rian, lol. Yes, I love her this much ^^;

Sunday 18 March 2012

Good Person

Ver 2

I cant find a suitable song for Rian and Yoojin's fmv. Would this work since both of them are good people to me?

I like how pure and innocent Eunjung, Hyomin and Jiyeon looks then. If only my dvd had version 2 as well. I need all of T-ara's music videos damn it! Can CCM just release a complete compliation already?! Ill so buy it at the drop of a hat!

It's Monday again in a few hours. Noooooo! =(

Saturday 17 March 2012

Day By Day

I was disappointed with how the duet with Yoojin and JB sounded. Not cuz of Jiyeon's voice but the melody wasn't nice at all. Even repeated listens didn't save them.

Luckily Jiyeon's solo song was awesome. It's a nice mid tempo ballad which I love only after the first listen.

Can't wait till FMV of it are made. I wanna know the meaning of the lyrics so bad.

6 more episodes to go till the end of the drama. I knew they would extend it and I was right. They better not make Haesung's character the one where viewers will like and support more. Rian should be the one coming out smelling like a rose. And they should totally let her and Yoojin end up together. Their scenes are seriously much cuter and more fun than that annoying Haesung and JB.

Sunday 11 March 2012

The Best Dance Ever

Im sad that Sunday is almost ending but im glad also as i can watch the next epi of DH2 soon! I dont know why Rian and Yoojin were practising the tango but that was my fav scene in epi 12. They looked so perfect tog not to mention how nicely Rian's hand fit in the super idol's. The music keeps replying in my head and i cant forget the image of Rian twirling or how she uses one hand to run throgh her hair. I also love her clothes. Sometimes i wonder if im really dreaming as someone as beautiful and flawless as Jiyeon cant be real ^^;

Friday 9 March 2012

DH2 Epi 12

Seriously, I support Jin Yoojin with Rian. PERIOD. Episode 12 sealed the deal for me. Not only did their voices blend incredibly well together while singing 'Romeo and Juliet,' their tango dance rehearsal was adorable to the max!

Did you see how Rian twirled in Yoojin's arms? Or the way they laughed while smiling at each other?? I practically squealed with the crazy amount of chemistry. It made the air sizzle. This is a surprising turn of events as I didn't expect them to have much scenes together since Yoojin liked Haesung right from the start.

Although I started out prefering JB's looks to Yoojin, I've now come to think that Yoojin is so much cuter. He's also taller and has a better built. Not to mention how JB's eyebrows look really weird.

Gosh, I really REALLY hope that the writers make Rian and Yoojin a couple. They have this genuine interaction between them and it's cute how Rian's mood is better and that she smiles a lot more when with him. All JB ever gave her was misery and tears.

I hate how that two faced bast**d broke up with her claiming that he wanted to focus on his dreams and not let his dad down when he turns around and falls for Haesung in one episode. I mean, WTH?!?!? Haesung is talentless, fat, bloated, wears an irritating dumb expression on her face and has too thick lips. If JB was that hot and bad ass as he was made out to be, how in the world can he like someone like Haesung? Her character is blend and not appealing at all!

As compare to the zilch chemistry between JB and Haesung, Rian and Yoojin shared so many heartwarming scenes and allowed the viewers to actually see how their relationship progressed. This I couldn't see for the other couple. And I don't know if it's Jinwoo's acting or was Yoojin supposed to "feel" and be concerned for Rian as I can see it in his eyes when he looks at her. It's almost as if a part of him is hurting whenever he sees Rian cry or in pain. And is it a coincidence that he's always there to help her or lend her support when JB and the world lets her down?

All this is a mystery to me and I will only know what's in stored by catching the remaining episodes of DH2. Rian was the reason why I'm keeping up with the drama but now I find that I'm looking forward to the scenes with her and Yoojin.

Please let them be together, and don't make Rian the bitch or evil villain anymore. She doesn't deserve so much hate, especially when the person who caused her to become this way - JB, should be blamed for her negative actions. I don't understand why people can't tell that it really isn't Rian's fault for being the boring one who appears as if she's so weak. PLUEASE!! I detest Haesung and her lousy antics at being the wronged one. She should just buzz off with JB as I seriously don't care about what happens with them anymore. I just want to see Rian with Yoojin and them being all cute and happy. Rian, I'm so in love with you =P

Episode 13 better not be a disappointment. I have a feeling the show will be extended since the plot is not going anywhere at the moment. Possibly to 20 episodes?

Monday 5 March 2012

Awaiting DH2

The start of the week always sucks especially when you are ill. At least there is dream high 2 to look forward to now. I feel like getting a black ring similar to Rian's but i have too many rings. I also need to have the opportunity to go out shopping first. This seems tough being constantly sick and overworked. I need a holiday, preferably with Jiyeon or Eujungie. They are my only sources of hope and motivation now.

Sunday 4 March 2012

The Real You (Part 2)

The next part isn't so accurate. Guess I should have stopped when I was ahead.

Here is the analysis:

  • You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
  • You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
  • You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
  • Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
  • Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.

Get to Know Yourself (Part 1)

I don't believe that much in these tests but amazingly, this one is rather accurate.

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Dream High 2 Ep 8-9

This is much too heartbreaking for me. How could JB treat Rian this way?!?!? Telling her in the face what he feels for Hae Sung. So all those words he said back when they were trainees was a lie?? *sobs* If that's the case, then he doesn't deserve Rian. On the other hand, Yujin was there whenever Rian needed him to send her to the hospital. I found what he said about Rian taking his back for a taxi cute ^^; I didn't find Jinwoo good looking before watching this drama but now I beg to defer. He kinda grows XD

I read an article about why Jiyeon still has mascara on when she isn't feeling well and in the hospital. I agree and disagree with this. Being sick means looking pale and not having any make-up on. But she got hit on the head by a ball, she isn't terminally ill. Still, I wouldn't mind if the writers added that in. Have Rian getting really sick so that the audience can know if it's JB or Yujin who really likes her.

One thing I don't understand though, if Rian told her mom she could be discharged after the drip is complete, why did she have to return to the hospital after that radio interview? Also, why did JB say she should be in hospital when he saw her in the dorm while looking for Hae Sung? I mean, after the doctors check and are sure she doesn't have a concussion etc, shouldn't she be allowed to discharge the hospital for good? Why would they keep her? Unless Rian is sick in some way. Hmmm...

Another question is, why would Rian get herself discharged just to pack the shoes? Weird...

My fav scenes in these 2 episodes have got to be when Rian got "attacked" by that runaway ball and Yujin carried her up (that was so manly and cool, lol!) and when he watched over her (while not forgetting to tease her in the process) in the hospital.

Yay for Rian x Jinwoo and Boo for JB x Hae Sung. Both guys should totally fall for Rian. She's the best!

The comments hating on JB cuz he was so cruel and mean to Rian made me laugh. Pretty funny stuff XD And I have to agree that it sucks how the writers made JB so cold to Rian. I also dislike how both boys like Hae Sung while Rian has no one. Come on, Hae Sung isn't that good.

Saturday 25 February 2012


"Jiyeon could play the most dislikeable, most annoying, most bitchy character to ever grace the k-drama world, and I would still root for her." And I agree wholeheartedly.
I want Rian to be happy in 'Dream High 2.' The best case scenario would be both JB and Yujin falling for her. Unfortunately since Hae Sung is the lead character, I doubt that would be possible. Still, I hope for a good storyline for Rian. She totally deserves it.

* Check out the tumblr of the awesome fan who said the above declaration. It's filled with incredible pics, gifs, writings, etc of our fav baby dino.

No Woojung Again =(

Sobs, it's been weeks of no Woojung on Saturdays. The last episode we had of them was broadcasted on 21 Jan 2012. I miss seeing Eunjungie!!! *wails* WHY AREN'T THEY SCREENING THEIR PORTION TODAY!!?!??

She could dance in the recent Japanese TV perf of Roly-Poly (on Ohastar). Doesn't it mean that she has recovered more or less? I was expecting to see an episode were Jung Woo accompanied her to the doctor's for her medical appointment since there were fan reports on them being together at the hospital.

I hope that Eun Jung isn't pulling out of the WGM series. I need my weekly dosage of my fav Kpop girl =(

Catch episode 40 at the link below.

So Yeon and Jiyeon were cute and funny when they taught their brother-in-law how to coax his wifey, lol.

EDIT: My sis told me that the reason MBC wasn't filming WGM was because the staff are on strike. Wth?? Could they please strike after shooting enough Woojung WGM episodes? ^^;

Hyomin x Jiyeon

My fav FMV of the two. I just discovered today that the singer is IU. I quite like her as well =)

The Eng translation of the song. Meaningful lyrics which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now I feel like belting it out at the KTV, lol.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Rian & JB

I was quite a big fan of 'Dream High' due to Eun Jung and Suzy. When I found out that 'Dream High 2' was going to have Ji Yeon even though she was the lead, I was excited. However, I wasn't too thrilled to find out that she had to portray the queenka/bitch character. Still, I had hopes that she wasn't going to get too hated since Eun Jung's Baek Hee was the mean girl too and she came out alright.

After watching the first 6 episodes, I have to say...that I kinda adore seeing Rian and JB together. He's cute and hawt and she's cute and hawt. Perfect couple much? =D

Unfortunately, it might seem that JB might fall for the nice/sweet/victim Hae sung. Man, if that happens I'm gonna be so pissed. I'm fed up of seeing Ji Yeon in roles where she doesn't get the guy. HUMPH!!

Some awesome FMV of the 'Shoe Couple' to make myself less angry. Did I mention how darn adorable it is of Rian to step on JB's shoes? =D

God of Study Wrap Up

I've finally finished watching God of Study. I remember when this drama first screened on telly, I caught a couple of episodes but didn't find it too enthralling. I did think that the actress playing the character of Na Hyun Jung was cute though. Now months later, I discovered that she was none other than Park Ji Yeon of T-ara. The group I have grew to love and she was one of the two members I greatly adore. 

At that time, before I even knew who she was, I was annoyed at the male lead ignoring this cute, sweet, pretty girl who was obviously very attracted to him. Even if he wasn't interested in her, I couldn't agree with how cold and cruel he acted towards her.

But I guess her predicament in the drama made my heart go out to her and caused me to me really like her role.

I love how she says "Go Go Go!" and "Fighting." Gosh, she has the cutest voice.

These are some of the episodes with scenes I liked.

Hyun Jung has finally made up her mind to put Baek Hyun behind and move on. Heartbreaking but it's a good decision. Fighting Hyun Jungie!!

Oh my poor Hyun Jung! She's sick and in pain. *sobs*

Hyun Jung is even cute when she has a tummy ache at 4:34 min ^^;

The way Hyun Jung pretended to be okay in front of Baek Hyun and then crying in the KTV broke my heart *weeps* If only Chan Doo liked her instead of Tulip. They make a cute couple. Plus, I prefer his face to Baek Hyun's.

I want a part 2 of this show! One which has Ji Yeon as the lead, with a cute guy like Lee Hyun Woo who likes her.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy V Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to my 3 fav entertainers!

Eun Jung, Ji Yeon and Suzy =)

Did you gals have hot dates or were you all busy working?

I hope you at least received roses. Such beautiful angels deserve so much more.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Special Project Groups

I wonder if I'm biased as I think Ji Yeon's line is the most beautiful =P

I think they performed at least twice but I only putting this vid up as the first perf didn't have Ji Yeon =P

One! Hyun Ah isn't hot by nature. She has to really try to ooze sexiness. Still, this was good effort on her part. And I totally love the song and the whistling portion. All moms should play this song in order to get their kids to pee XDD I'm surprised Korean TV allowed this song to be performed live considering how raunchy it is by their standards.

"Words I Don't Want to Hear" is a great ballad. I don't know how they are gonna top this. Awesome fast and slow song. I'm impressed.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Hye Mi x Baek Hee

So far I'm okay with Eunjung paired up with (in no preference) Soo Hyun, Taecyeon and Jung Woo. BUT, I discovered that Hye Mi x Baek Hee is a rather popular coupling too. I don't know why it didn't occur to me earlier *whacks self over head* but they are really cute together as well.

Eunjung was so nice and considerate to post the below pic and message to garner more viewers for "Dream High." In the beginning the audiences' reception towards Suzy wasn't the best =(

“Thank you to everyone who watched ‘Dream High’! ♥ This is Yoon Baek Hee and Go Hye Mi’s best friend photo..!“

The ever playful Jungie also uploaded a picture of herself holding Suzy and tweeted, “Who do you think I’m hugging? Hoot. kekekeke. Hint: my girl _ _ _”

Moments later, Suzy commented, “kekekeke oppa (older brother) pose. Who is it who is it who is it”, playing on the fact that her eyes are covered in the picture.

Aren't these 2 cute together? In the drama, it seems like Hye Mi is the stronger party while Baek Hee is more vulnerable. So it would look like HM is the "guy" in the relationship and BH the girl. But in real life, Eun Jung could be the more boyish one who takes care of her. Check out her pose in the pic. Definitely very cool and man, lol.

Bonus clip of Baek Hee singing. Her voice is better than good =) Nice song too so double =) which equates to =D

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Eunjung vs Jiyeon

Hmmmm, there seems to be a 3 Way Relationship brewing. After Eun Jung declared someone to be her girl, Ji Yeon made her move and posted these 2 pictures as well as this message.

"Eun Jung unni... Panda is my girl!!!"

And the panda in question is none other than Ji Yeon's music show co-host Suzy XDDD

Woojung Couple

I've noticed a difference between Kpop and Jpop. Besides the music style, dance and costumes, Kpop fans are generally more accepting towards the couples that they like together. On the other hand, they can also be quite scary towards couples they dislike together.

Strangely, I seem to be able to accept my favourite Kpop singer put with guys than I can watch K4 with any guy ^^; I don't know why. Could it be that I don't like Jungie as much as I do K4? But I really really adore Jungie now. So that probably isn't the case.

I think the reason is how the Korean programs portray the couples. They make it impossible to dislike them. Or maybe, I like Jungie so much that I can like anything or anyone that comes into contact with her XD

It's obvious the hubby loves being around Eun Jung. He grabs every opportunity to cuddle her, kiss her, carry her, hug her, etc. Landing this variety show was the best thing that happened to him. Being able to be a couple with Jungie who is cute, pretty, adorable, fun, beautiful, humorous and more! *sigh* Lee Jung Woo, you are darn lucky!!

Helping the person you love dry her hair is one of the sweetest things ever. At least to me ^^; Poor Jungie was so tired till she couldn't help but doze off while filming ZIA's music video.

Jung Woo definitely got brownie points here for bending down to help Eun Jung zip her coat. Awww at how she hides her face against the pillar. Is there any action that this girl does which isn't cute?? She even looks adorable asleep =P

You should never make her cry Jung Woo! That's a cute plush you got for her. At least you did your homework. That's her fave character =)

I definitely prefer this PV to the original =P The creator is a genius! Eun Jung looks so pretty behind the car window in the rain. I'm seriously awestruck.

I think it's funny how Lee Jung Woo tried to hold Eun Jung's hand but she didn't oblige. Smart girl for using that method to not let him get his way. Jungie is such a smart and witty girl! =)

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Eunji's Health

Is it a coincidence that both Eun Jung and Ji Yeon have to go to the hospital at the end of the year? For 2011 it's a hurt ankle and almost collapsing due to fatigue. In the previous years it was a busted knee and dehydration.

Even more crazy incidents include falling off a horse or down the stairs. These girls work too hard. I'm positive if they weren't so tired all the time, such accidents won't happen as much =(

I wish they had the time to rest more. But I guess when you are one of the most popular and hottest idols at the moment, everyone wants a piece of you.

I just hope both of them get recover fast.

Ji Yeon looks like she is going to faint at any moment. She is so pale, almost as white as sheet. But I've got to hand it to her for making through the whole performance even if she couldn't do the same for the "We were in love" perf after this.

I was seriously worried when JY stood behind Hwa Young with her head bent low. She normally looks all cool at that part of the song. When she put her hand to her head (while standing behind Hyomin), I suspect she already couldn't take it then. Cuz this girl doesn't like her hair messy. So she wouldn't make it messy for no reason ^^;

Hyomin looks so different from usual in the sense that she seems harried. Usually she's the composed one. I think all the members knew beforehand that JY wasn't feeling well. The part where she signaled to the dancer, I think she was telling him to watch out for JY fainting and grabbing her before she hit the floor. I like a HY who is concerned for JY. She shot up for me because of this =) So she gets forgiven for swinging a light bulb around, lol. Just kidding =P

Later when JY did that sliding move, I thought she wouldn't be able to get up, but she did. My admiration for her sky-rocked then.

The hanky part and when JY removed her jacket, again you can tell that she's at her limit. She didn't even have the strength to toss her jacket behind nor couldn't she bend low for the dance. I'm surprised she could even sashay out and still look incredibly cool doing it.

From her eyes, it's clear how tired she is. That sheen of sweat on her forehead makes it all the more obvious. There were quite a couple of times she looked like she would just fall over or faint. *heart breaks* =(....

My heart was in my mouth again when she put the back of her hand against her forehead. I know that's part of the dance, but somehow, it just doesn't feel right. I expected her to fall during those moments. Somewhat like what happened to Krystal from f(x). If she did, I doubt we will get to see this perf as it would most probably be pulled.

But luckily when the song ended, she seemed a little bit better. Gosh, Ji Yeon-ah, please please please don't be so weak! You don't know how many hearts are in pain seeing you like this ^^;

Man, I typed a lot about JY, what about EJ then? XD I'm less worried about her as she doesn't have to appear for all the Cry Cry and Lovey Dovey promos since she isn't the lead. Which means she can rest more. Also, her Queen Insoo filming should be wrapping up soon (I hope).

I thought how she wore hot pink slippers with her gown while MC-ing for the show was cute =P Only EJ can be this adorable. It's not her fault for the funky dressing though. It's the people from the show who promised her that they wouldn't take full body shots. Tsk, how could they lie to EJ!??!? No one should lie to her, it's Eun Jungie!!! XDD And that horse she rode on for the drama is a bully and meanie for making her fall. Bad horsie. It's a good thing she didn't suffer serious injuries. Falling from horses is really dangerous.

I think her ankle isn't healing that fast since she has too keep the ice pack on. She and JY can sleep on one bed and rest together =P EunJi is the best!!! =D

New purpose...?? =)

Cry Cry + Lovey Dovey Movie Version

I love it when music videos have storylines in them but the latest T-ara ones take this to a whole new level. It's almost as if I'm watching a movie. And the effects and budget aren't shabby. I'm thrilled that there is going to be 5 (?) different videos coming out.

For Cry Cry, I'm really happy that Ji Yeon was the main character. My only complain is that they gave her a really bad wig. Still, no one else could pull such a hair style off. Which is proven in the 2nd part =P

2:58 min when JY appears the screen is practically overflowing with coolness and attitude. Man, this girl is good. She's a natural performer.

Woo at the skin at 3:16 min XDDDD And is that a tattoo I see? Fangirl screams at when she wears those shades. So cute!!

I don't know how Hyomin is connected to the story. And is this the last we see of her, or will she reappear in another part?

JY deserves a best actress award for her efforts from 12:45 min. All that emotion, and the scream, woah she was good.

What's the young guys relation to JY? Was he her dad's right hand man in the past? Gah, if only there were subs.

After viewing the entire vid, I'm not so sure I approve of JY liking the ahjusshi XD

Qri really isn't the best actress around. She could hardly emote. No wonder EunJi are the members with more acting offers ^^; Eun Jung was awesome! Her acting and physical appearance were great! Physical as in her hair etc and not something else XD

If Ji Yeon drove the car off the cliff, does this mean that the 3rd part won't have her? NOOOOOOO!!! I need my EunJi =P The anticipation for the next part is killing me. And I only just finished watching this one XD I also don't understand why Ji Yeon had to change her face. I know they did it so that Qri could have a role but what I want to know is, how is it connected to the plot??

It was smart of the company to include making off portions at the end. It's a good form of fan service to allow the fans to see how their fave girls behave off camera. Ji Yeon is so darn adorable!!! While Eun Jung is cute, crazy and a fan girl, lol. I would like to think that the reason for her being so excited is cuz she was watching JY film the emotional/fight scene. She even got Hyomin over to watch the filming together. Ahhh my EunJi fantasy XD

What I don't understand it, why must Ji Yeon be around during the scenes with only Eun Jung and Qri? If they had planned this better, then maybe JY would have some time to rest and wouldn't have to be sent to the hospital on NY's day. The poor girl is overworked =(

Sunday 1 January 2012

Suzy - So Many Tears

This is a song that I keep playing recently. The melody is sad and so so beautiful. I feel that Suzy sang with a lot of emotions which really fit the lyrics. Who says being the face of a group means you can't sing well. The cutest neko in Miss A has proven otherwise.